The recent spate of hurls thrown at Digg by Wired did not prove Digg is inherently broken or corrupt, the only thing it did prove is that the Digg VS Reddit war has gone beyond that of delusional fanboy flamewars and crossed over into the realm of corporate warfare. But why?
Would the fact the ‘delusional’ fanboy not caring about petty differences have something to do with it? In the past Reddit used to have stories every so often reaching the top about Digg stuffing up or Digg losing ground because of such and such decision or Kevin Rose making out with Dick Cheney. All that has stopped with Reddit, the mature members are now outnumbering the increasingly fewer fanboys.
Enter Wired, trying to rev up the hate between the two services, Annalee Newitz deliberately went out to create a frontpage story on Digg via a ‘pay per Digg’ and guess what? Failed miserably when the story got kicked off the frontpage.
Of course the latest attack on Digg is all about the so-called ‘bury brigade’ which is allegedly a group of members on Digg that diggs down stories critical of Digg. Now I know Digg members love their website, so if anything, it’s the entire userbase digging down stories ‘critical’ of the service they love.
Oh I hate you David Cohn, you fool, lets look at why the listed stories ‘critical of Digg’ that were submitted were consequently buried,
“The "proof" mentioned in the headline is really no proof at all, sadly. This is a promising beginning, but any 'proof' needs a sample size of buries that's several orders of magnitude larger than what's used.” - bofhcabbit
“"What is the number of buries before an article is hidden anyway?"
now THAT'S the question isn't it? think for 1 second...if users are cohorting to bury stories, don't you think knowing the exact amount would be the holy grail for them? knowing the exact amount ONLY invites abuse...THINK!” - blake10
This one isn’t even critical of Digg, believe it or not most Digg users don't want to know how many Diggs it takes for a story to get kicked off the frontpage because if that gets out then these so-called 'bury brigades' will cross over from the realm of sci-fi to reality. Reality sucks.
What Wired’s ‘investigation’ proves is that Digg members will bury content they don’t like, they will Digg content they like. But we already knew that didn’t we?
Clearly Wired ran that story for the sole purpose of restarting the now burnt out fire between Digg and Reddit. The members have nothing to do with it, they’ve gone past that point of stupid fanboyism. People use the service they prefer, end of story.
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