Wednesday, July 4, 2007

PS3 outselling Wii and 360 in Australia

Looks like the $1000 AUD ($800 US) price tag isn't enough to deter Australians. After Nintendo proclaimed the Wii reached 100,000 sales fastest of any console in Australias history Sony has humbly pointed out that the PS3 has been outselling the Wii (save for last week) since its launch. Oh, and it's also being marketted as a Blu-Ray player, not a games console at Harvey Norman.

Launching March 23, 2007 the Playstation 3 has sold 50,000 compared to the Wii launching December 2006 sold 100,000. However last week the Wii did outsell the Wii perhaps indicating the hype behind the Playstation 3 was slowly dying out.

From Sony Australias managnig director Michael Ephraim's mouth

"Since March 23, PS3 has been the number one-selling next-gen console in
Australia, and this is GfK figures. We've now sold 50,000 -- and we're very
excited about the fact that it's being sold in retailers that are gaming
retailers as a gaming device and other things, but as you'll notice it's now
being sold in Harvey Norman consumer electronic stores as a Blu-ray player."

GFK is the Australian equivalent of the NPR*

VIA c|net Australia

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