Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Super Smash Bros. Brawl/Melee Screenshots Comparison

You really don't know how much better Brawl looks until you see it first hand.

Super Smash Bros. Melee was never really a graphical powerhouse however it did manage to run at 480p at 60fps and feature some really advanced physics (for its time). With the extra grunt the Wii is pulling in the question is now if will we still be seeing 60fps with great physics? Or if that has been dumped for eye candy. Smash Bros. fans shouldn't take it lightly, 480p at 60fps plus widescreen should be a given for this title.

NOTE: Even though the comparison can be seen as unfair given the GC shots are taken off screen and some parts of the SSBB shots being pre-rendered (though not significantly better looking than in-game SSBB) the comparisons purpouse is not for competitions sake but just a generel showing of how much better SSBB looks compared to SSBM.


  1. Man, Kirby looks SO much better!

  2. This is a horrible comparison. Why are the taking photos of a TV (complete with visible pixels and scan lines), and compare them to 3D renderings, right out of Nintendo? At least use a capture card and get proper screenshots.

  3. The comparison isn't the best - but the difference cannot be denied. Zelda looks AMAZING as do all the other human-like characters. The characters that need the increased detail go it, those like kirby and pikachu look how they should, no more detail was really needed.

    My one complaint is that the screen is always so zoomed out on a good game of Smash brothers (because everyone is all over the place) that these details may not mean a whole lot. I am waiting with bated breath.

  4. Just retarded.. I can't believe people blog this, and I can't believe someone blogs this crap. You cannot compare concept renders to ingame PHOTOS.

  5. This is a horrible comparision and you cannot take ANY information from it at all... Why even bother comparing a camera picture of a TV screen to a pre-rendered, not game footage image from Nintendo's PR machine? OF COURSE it looks better, that is like looking at the front of the game box and saying that the game looks amazing...

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Just goes to show you that both games look exactly the same, and nintendo has not taken any strides forward with the wii. The wii is basically a last gen system with a motion sensor setector in the controller, and that's not enough to actually be considered this gen, with competitors like the PS3 and the 360.

  8. Okay, they look better than Melee... They should! I mean, that is how you progress. Why don't we make a big deal about how Madden 07 looks better than Madden 08? It is supposed to! I don't understand why this is a big deal about the game looking better. They act like because the game looks better we are supposed to be happy. Duh! You have to make it look better, it's newer technology, it should look better. This is not a privelage, it's a right, if it didn't look better, who'd care?

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  10. Agreed -- why are idiots digging this? I wasted my time reading.

  11. i mean the video sucks, but i laugh at all the idiots who think the shots are pre-rendered. he got most the screens from in-game trailers.

  12. what was that wierd looking bowser monkey thing??

  13. That music was fucking amazing! I'm stoked!

  14. Super Smash Bros Melee does not support 480p. At least in the United States is ran at 480i. Unless they updated versions of the disc at some point, but my disc clearly lacks the progressive mode icon on the case and does not work with my Component->VGA transcoder that accepts 480p from games such as Mario Kart Double Dash.

    Just the switch to supporting 16:9 and 480p should be nice for many people.

  15. I liked the bit in the article where he says 'With the extra grunt the Wii is pulling in', what extra grunt? I think the word grunt cant be applied to the Wii, I mean you do realize its basically equivalent to an Xbox(not a 360).
    Granted the footage looks pretty good.

  16. "Just retarded.. I can't believe people blog this, and I can't believe someone blogs this crap. You cannot compare concept renders to ingame PHOTOS."

    Well that's not completely true, you can't keep things totally perfect.

    /can't wait for smash


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